Weekend in the Mountains

Steve even looked in at the cottage that I own which sits right by my Dad's house. (photo is of me in front of it when I was age seven) The cottage now needs some work after the former tenants let it go, but I have such a clear vision for the place--simple, rustic, comfortable and designed for hospitality.
I envision a table filled with food and surrounded by interesting, creative, thoughtful people enjoying each other's company (folks like YOU). On the two acres of land I also have plans to plant an orchard and loads of wild flowers and let some of the field go back to a natural state to provide a habitat for the local animals that find themselves getting edged off the land by developers.
All in all a relaxing weekend which was still wonderfully productive. I am reading a book I cannot put down--Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman. (Thanks Tom D for the book! Hope you had a GREAT 40th birthday) Ehrman raises the all important questions that I had been terrified to ask for years, How did we get our Bible and just how accurate is it?
Over at bXg (Beyond Ex-Gay), Christine and I have updated some new pages. See new narratives--Barbara Leavitt, Lester Leavitt, Eric Leocadio. And read the updated question of the month (ok so it is more like a quarterly feature). Christine also posted the next question, so check it out and tell us what you think. Later this week Steve will have our Collages page up.
Tomorrow some ex-gay survivors will present their collages to the Love in Action staff after sharing their stories outside of the LIA building. David Christie is one of these brave folkks. This is the first time he has told his story in such a public way. Please pray, send warm thoughts and comfort to these guys as they tell their stories. It is not easy work. Also pray that John Smid, the head of LIA and his staff have ears to hear what these survivors have to say. The purpose of the event is not to bash LIA but to talk about the harm that can and does come because of ex-gay conversion therapy in its many forms.
It is too soon to announce anything yet, but be on the lookout--I will have a big announcement in August. (No I am not pregnant, but feel free to speculate--you always come up with the most unlikely and delightful ideas.)
Oh, and here is silly video of Jose Luis and me in Madrid in May. (I have no idea why I lower my voice so much when I speak Spanish--raro)
Labels: Bible, bXg, ex-gay, family, Love in Action
A cottage in the Catskills that need some work... Plz say that you need a hot and handy Scandinavian guy with green fingers for company there!
Alex, if he doesn't, I could sure use one here. Except my place is a condo in the middle of a suburb. I guess not so tempting.
Hmmm, hermanas, amiga, is it just me or are you using the feminine endings? If so, ay chihuahuas! :-D
Alex, I don't know you, but a friend gave me a plant he said nobody could kill. Needless to say, it is dead. I have a rare gift. I only have a little balcony, so it doesn't need much in the way of plants. Just things that I can't kill. So if you ever want to visit sunny Florida, let me know.
Peterson, you have a cottage? That sounds wonderful. I am sooo jealous! When am I coming up there to visit again? (I'm glad you're enjoying the book, by the way!)
-- Tom D.
Your voice doesn't sound that much lower. Your mannerisms are like that of a NYC Italian boy even when speaking Spanish.
Thinking of which - no learning the mother tongue (la Lingua Bella)??? You learn Spanish, but not Italian? Peccatore!
Alex, if he doesn't, I could sure use one here. Except my place is a condo in the middle of a suburb. I guess not so tempting.
Given the suburb in question, yeah, not so tempting.
Joe, I know you have left your initial calling as an Evangelist of the Gospel and have taken up the mission to impose the Italian language on those of us in the diaspora. I'm just practical. I get lots more mileage out of Spanish. Who speaks Italian anymore????
I'm disappointed in the lack of speculation about your announcement.
:) you have such a creative fan base...
Oh Peterson... thanks for the invite to your cottage. I would love to come and stay ;)
Well, Peterson, *I* speak Italian! And I think Joe is cool.
Who is Joe, exactly? ;-)
I love how "anonymous" asks, "Who is Joe, exactly?" And who is "anonymous" exactly? :-)
Christine, they won't take the bait. Of course the last time I starting promoting a big announcement they had me getting married to Tom Cruise or something nutty like that, only to find out that the announcement was about bXg and the Ex-Gay Survivor Conference.
Not able to top that, I can be sure, but I am not having Billy Bob Thorton's baby.
I'm "anonymous." I forgot to sign my name. (But you probably had that figured out.)
I think I might know what the announcement is. Is it an upcoming interview?..... Or are you just going to announce that you're going to come visit me?
-- Tom D.
I think the announcement is that Peterson has the same shorts that he wore in that adorable picture of him when he was 7. I swear to God that I had the same shorts, too (my own pair, of course).
Thanks for speaking Italian and loving me Tom D. That's more than Peterson can say in regards to me these days given the whore he is for media attention... {ahem}
Alex, so when should I expect your handy hunky self to arrive?
Anna, you are always welcome-syou are aware that o only allow vegan food on my table though. I am intolerant and fundamentalist that way.
Joe, forget thr shorts, I want that striped shirt back! But enough about you, back to me.
Tom, you are more than welcome to visit my cottage. How are you with a hammer? Oh, and your guess is a good one but not the one I have in mind.
pw, si, mi hija. :-)
Not able to top that, I can be sure, but I am not having Billy Bob Thorton's baby.
So whose baby are you having? Angelina Jolie's? Brad Pitt's? BOTH??!! :o
As soon as someone pay my tickets I'm on my way.
And of course no-one takes the bait. Everybody knows you will announce your candidacy for president then.
Peterson, I don't have much experience with handman kinds of things. (Oh no, what would those ex-gay program leaders have to say about that?) But, I make up for that shortcoming in other ways. Speaking Italian must be worth something, right, Joe?
I have a picture of me on my 4th birthday (roughly contemporaneous with Peterson's photo) where I was wearing this olive green cotton overall/shorts combo. With white knee socks. I looked smashing.
-- Tom D.
Well if Peterson runs for Prez...
1. The men's hat business will thrive, you know how much of a trend setter he is...
2. He'll have one of the most fascinating Cabinets/Staffs in history. Imagine Momma as Secretary of State!
3. Christine will be V.P. of course.
4. And in a pinch Peterson can use his various characters from his one-man plays to amuse, placate and confuse world leaders.
5. On a serious note, the world will be a fabulously better place.
There...how's that for creative.
Oh, by the way, I'd like to work security if this occurs, I look good in dark suits and sunglasses. ;-)
Incidentally, if you run you'll have to loosen up on the vegan stuff, not for yourself but for those around you. You'll have to be tolerant of omnivores. See everything has it's price....
Hmmm, if a gay man is Pres and has a partner, what do we call the partner?
I've noticed you deepen your voice when you speak Spanish, too -- in the Identity Monologue.
Love that kid picture of you too, P!
pw. Just to make things easier for you americans I can slow my sex change up and stand in as a regular first lady. I do a marvelous drag-thing. As long as I get to re-model at least one room in the white house...
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